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Once Upon a Time...

Updated: Jun 8, 2022

Before I could read, I listened to stories. My absolute favorite, to this day, are fairytales. The reason- they follow a formula. Once upon a time, it begins. Followed by an issue that needs resolving and then, the end! Super succinct. These stories have been made into movies, that make millions. which tells me, I am not the only one who likes them. Odds are, you do too. So, why am I going on and on about fairytales? Well, it’s because I think all of us on the career/ entrepreneurial path can learn from this formula.

I have met a lot of people who are frustrated in their career. They are easy to identify because they make statements like, “Monday, again?” “There has to be more to life than this?” Or, even a blatant, “I hate my job!” Which trust me, I can relate, I’ve been there. However, ask the same people, “what do you want to do?” Crickets. On the occasion that they answer, the next questions stumps them- “How or what are you doing to get there?”

That’s why I have come up with a 5-step formula to make sure you are able to tell your story in a compelling manner.

  1. Identify your interest, let’s consider this prework. If you don’t know what’s next for you, that is OK. What’s not ok is not taking the time to figure it out. Listen, this can change over time but a map is only good if you have a destination in mind. So, spend some time with yourself and identify your strength and interest. If you are drawing a blank, ask a trusted confidant what they think you do well.

  2. Take inventory of who you are, who you want to help and projects that excite you.

  3. Purpose, otherwise known as your why. Why do you want to make a change and move to a new career or start your entrepreneurial journey. This will keep you centered, when things get hard.

  4. What accomplishments, proven strengths and contributions can you readily point to that are intriguing.

  5. Call to Action (CTA) this is arguably the most important part of the formula. The whole reason for your story is to have something prepared when you run into someone that you think can help you on your journey and you want to make a connection. If you have mastered steps 2-4 you should be able to captivate an audience invested enough in your story that they want to continue and have a conversation with you. Which means, now is the time to shoot your shot by asking something like, “Do you mind if I put time on your calendar?” Or, “Can we connect on LinkedIn?”

I know, this seems like a lot. Creating this by yourself can be overwhelming. So, if you need any help- Let’s chat.

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